This is why I make the suggestion of unsubbing from all the workshop content you have through the steam client from your desktop, not in game! (I timed it at over 3 hours when I first discovered this). You must wait until it is completely finished, which can take hours. Note:: while the game is downloading all this content again you will NOT be able to unsubscribe or delete (if you wish) content in that list. And most content doesn't get updated too often as it doesn't need to be. Now of course if some content is updated by its author you'll have to re-sub, download and unsub again, but it's a much smaller price to pay to be able to join lobbies and play again. This means you can still play with anything you've unsubscribed from as long as it is the latest version. What it does is stops the game re-downloading it each time, but it remains on your hard disk. What you do need to do, is open the steam library, access your workshop content for the game and unsubscribe from everything. Some players will say that it's because your workshop content is simply too big, and you need to delete a load of stuff from it or clear it completely, to which I say, not exactly. So if you are one of those folks where auto-download never seems to work, it is because this is happening to you too.

For those of us with lots of maps, skins, mods etc in our collection this can take hours (I timed it when I first discovered this and it took over 3 hours for me). CoH2 makes this your games priority, to the point that even if you join a lobby and players have content selected that you do not, it will prioritise downloading all the stuff you already have first. Even if you only downloaded it yourself through the steam library before opening the game that day. What most people are not aware of, is the annoying 'feature' Company of Heroes 2 has where every time you open up the game, it will re-download everything you have subscribed to in the workshop. Well a couple of months back I found out why. So you quit the lobby, come back in, and it still won't work. So a lot of players have, at one time or another, experienced the issue where you join a game, only for the host to not be able to start because you don't have the map/mod/skin installed that someone else is using and auto-download isn't starting for you.